Services - Design

  • Production Design
    We can provide you support in the area of getting designs ready for various production technologies. Our team is trained in Axminster, Print, Tufted, CYP and Hand tufted design requirements. We work along with your time lines required to get designs ready for production schedule.
  • Enquriy Design
    Your field designers and sales team can work along with our team for getting design options ready for client presentations. Advantages of time zone differences and extra help can come handy when your team is working with demanding time lines. This will also result in excellent service to delight end customer with faster turnarounds on design options.
  • Design Development
    Design collections require creative skills and out of the box thinking. This is where you can showcase your design capability and be ahead of the competition. Our team can create mood boards and create refreshing designs based on your theme and market research. We understand the colour trends and market requirements very well. Alternatively you can select one of our ready collection or specific designs based your requirements.